Analysis of architectural urban spaces based on space syntax and scenario methods

Keywords: theory of architecture, design paradigms, architectural environment, perception, plot, public spaces, configurational models, spatial analysis, sustainability


The article aims to examine the scenario design process, with the goal of creating an architectural environment with a better perception of urban spaces. Space analysis and generalization of the plot structure of films, as well as their types and genres, which correlate with the plot composition of the urban architectural space and spatial syntax, were used as an approach in the study. This made it possible to investigate the relationships between spatial planning and a number of social, economic and environmental phenomena. As a result of studying the plot composition of a film, it was established that its structural elements and the features of those elements can be used to analyze the architectural environment, in order to study its plot structure based on configurational models of space. Thus, the legitimacy of using cinematographic analysis for the analysis of the architectural environment was confirmed. The plot structure of the architectural environment of the city is understood as its urban structure, which, like in cinematography, can develop linearly, i.e., from the beginning of the route to the end point along one line of a street, or be more complex (non-linear), whereby all elements are placed in an arbitrary order. In cinematography, the idea of the film organizes the plot and sets the formula for the finale; however, in the architectural environment, a person, moving in the city, perceives this environment through the spatial and temporal aspect that has developed historically. Hence, the architectural and artistic appearance of the city is of crucial importance.


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